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Kenmare – Banane Bridge
Oct 13, 2017 and Oct. 16, 2015
On day three of both the 2015 and the 2017 trip the bus headed north from Skibbereen Co. Cork on the way to Dingle. Through a mountain pass to a wonderful cottage and working farm called Molly Gallivan’s – a 200 year old farm that is still in working order. Steve is a great tour guide as we walk through the farm and up to the Druid’s view and the ancient neolithic stones. At the end of the farm tour we all visit the poitin still (Irish moonshine) and have a dram. The Irish government has not officially recognized nor documented the ancient standing stones and we are hoping they do so soon. As we in the US know it does not take much for an overactive real estate developer to erase a millenium’s worth of history.

The following is from Molly Gallivans.com, a site assuredly worthy of a visit as is the actual Molly Gallivan’s working farm.

“Back in September 1999 my wife Frances and I had a dream. That dream was to purchase Molly Gallivan’s old cottage and farm, here in the Kerry hills.

Our vision was to save a small piece of old Ireland, and in doing so, preserve some of Ireland’s unique and rich heritage and traditions, for our and hopefully future generations to enjoy.

Inspired by all the additional hidden history that we discovered on the farm which included a Neolithic Stone Row (3-2000 BC), Peat Bog, Pre-historic field systems and Famine ruin, we set to work on many years of preservation and restoration.

Today that dream has become a reality. Together with our three daughters we run a small visitor centre at Molly Gallivan’s. Each day we have the pleasure in welcoming people from the four corners of the World to share with us in “our dream”.

We would also like to invite you to Molly Gallivan’s to share that dream, and to experience the unique indigenous Culture and Heritage of rural Ireland, while enjoying the great natural beauty of our unspoilt landscape here in the Sheen Valley.”



Please join us on a future trip – October 18 to 27, 2018 or – this just in !!! May 23 to June 1 2019 – email sims@wail.com or click here for more info

Here are some great pics of the farm and the the tour with Steve and one of Druid Sims next to the wood carving simply entitled “The Druid”
